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Edgenuity for Newbies

Course Map

(click on the tile for your course, right after you log in)

See the list of every activity in the course. Know where you are, and how much is left. 

Access everything you’ve already done

Re-watch a video, or look at previous activities, to study for a test, improve your notes, or prepare for an Error Analysis conversation.

Use Captioning

Some of you learn best by looking/watching (visual).

Some of you learn best by listening (auditory).

ALL of you will benefit from using BOTH.

Bonus: You will know how to spell everything when you take notes!

So, always CLICK THE “CC” to Turn On Captioning, AND listen to the audio. 

eNotes, Glossary, and Transcript

eNotes - Take notes in your notebook OR use eNotes. Either one is accessible when taking Quizzes & Tests.

Glossary - Has all the vocabulary words & definitions from the lesson. This is great to review during the lesson, or when taking notes. (NOT accessible during Quizzes or Tests.)

Transcript - All the captioning, but put together


¡Es posible leer las palabras de los videos (la transcripción) en español!

It’s possible to read the words from the videos (the transcript) in Spanish!