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Expected Student Learner Outcomes


Dinuba Alternative Education students will be:

Self-Directed Learners

● Exhibit good study habits, attendance, punctuality, and manage time effectively

● Follow an individualized academic plan

● Establish and identify personal and academic goals

● Seek and utilize academic and personal support to reach established goals

Effective Communicators

● Use Language Effectively

● Speak with Clarity

● Ask clarifying questions

● Utilize technology to effectively communicate and collaborate with others of diverse backgrounds

● Initiate conversation

● Develop and use an email address for communication with others

Aware of College and Career Options

● Identify a clear career and/or college option

● Develop a resume and personal statement

● Maintain interview attire and know the interview process

● Know and participate in the college registration and financial aid process

Critical Thinkers and Problem Solvers

● Develop and answer open-ended questions using higher order thinking skills

● Use multiple resources to solve real-world problems 

● Use technology to collaborate and solve authentic problems